First Morning of My New Morning Routine
Totally unsurprisingly, it’s not going as planned (image above is not from this morning’s work).
Talking to Caroline over holiday break, I was bemoaning my lack of time to work on collages and prints. I’m capable of coming up with a huge, huge list of why it’s hard for me to find time to work on personal projects. Heck, if being frustrated about not having enough time was my job, I’d have been promoted to CEO and taken over “I Wish I Had More Time, Inc.” ages ago. We’d be crushing it in the Dow Jones and I’d probably be retired.
So we came up with a plan where a couple mornings each week I’d get up at 6am and spend the first two hours of the day working on personal work. Per the plan, today I was up at 6am and sitting down at my desk to work by 6.30am. So far I’ve:
Shopped for a birthday present for both of my parents
Messed around with my newsletter account, trying to decide if I should move my Squarespace newsletter to Substack
Answered an email about some freelance work
Written a ten list of reasons why I’m bad at writing newsletters
Made nothing.
Written this blog post, which I am publishing so that I can say I did something this morning.
Now it’s nearly 8am and if I don’t feed the cats soon, they will take matters into their own hands.
Day 01 of the new morning routine - Only a success in that it happened. Not a success when measured in productivity.