10 Fotos, November

The year does feel like it’s coming to an end and I’m looking forward to having another 120 photographs to remind me of what happened in 2024. A lot of the major things that happened aren’t pictured here. There are no election photographs, no war photographs, but that’s okay. I’m not a historian.

It’s not surprising to find a lot of Portugal in this month’s selection, but like every month I think to myself, “I should be shooting more at home.” I know I’m far from the only person who finds more things to photograph when traveling, but it’s also not the case that I’ve lived in Berlin long enough to have seen everything. Far from it. My camera is still with me every day when I leave the house, but now that it’s gotten colder, I notice that I take it out more often. Maybe it’s time to switch to a neck strap so it’s always there. I guess I’ll look like a tourist, but I’ll also have more photos. Feels like a fine trade-off.

I’m happy to have my walk from home to my studio represented in this selection. I’ve not been there in December yet, as an animation project is ramping up and consuming all of my attention, but the walk to my studio is one of the best parts about the studio.

Stay healthy and keep your eyes open friends, and see you here on the blog again soon.


10 Photographs, December


Making art isn’t giving blood